lots of new work with netflix
lots of new work with netflix ☟
☺ silly loops with nickelodeon ☺
moving illustrations with handsome frank
Jean Julien
Bruno Mangyoku
Stephen Cheetham
Paul Blow
Paul Thurbly
Charlie Davis
Matt Murphy
Kim Salt
Agathe Singer
Leonie Bos
Quentin Monge
Matt Sauders
Tobias Hall
an homage to the games ☛
aN animated poem ♡
“Sometimes I want to be a superhero.
And sometimes I want to fly up high – SO HIGH!
and through the clouds!
And sometimes I would like to be Supergirl!
I would like to kick
cause that’s what a super girl does
Sometimes I like to pretend I’m in ice
And my hands and my feet –
cause ice makes you do NOTHING.”
a film about ideas in the west →
← a film about ideas
(and robots, and old ladies, and kings, and queens, and villains, and sidekicks, and musicians, and coins)
☆ a modern samurai encounters a huge tentacle. they fight. ☆
and a music video with Mike Edel →
← a music video with Zedd
☂ unbalanced unjust is about UN goal 10: Reduced Inequalities ☀
giant ant
giant ant ♥