I’m a freelance creative director, and animator; partnering with artists, studios, and brands to bring something unique to life.



lots of new work with netflix

lots of new work with netflix ☟


☺ silly loops with nickelodeon ☺




an homage to the games ☛


aN animated poem ♡

“Sometimes I want to be a superhero.
And sometimes I want to fly up high – SO HIGH!
and through the clouds!
And sometimes I would like to be Supergirl!
I would like to kick
cause that’s what a super girl does
Sometimes I like to pretend I’m in ice
And my hands and my feet –
cause ice makes you do NOTHING.”


a film about ideas in the west →


← a film about ideas

(and robots, and old ladies, and kings, and queens, and villains, and sidekicks, and musicians, and coins)


☆ a modern samurai encounters a huge tentacle. they fight. ☆


and a music video with Mike Edel →


← a music video with Zedd


☂ unbalanced unjust is about UN goal 10: Reduced Inequalities ☀


giant ant

giant ant ♥